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Saturday, December 19, 2015

A Kickstart Guide to Employee Advocacy on...

A Kickstart Guide to Employee Advocacy on Social Media

A Kickstart Guide to Employee Advocacy on...

What drives your brand? A website is a great starting point, and if you’re on social media that’s even better. Perhaps you’re running online and offline campaigns on a regular basis, to drive sales, traffic, or perhaps a better visbility and a more positive perception of your brand. What about your employees? While often overlooked as just “the people who work for the company”, employees are the biggest marketing asset that a brand can have. Employees can be a brand’s biggest advocates, yet they’re often an untapped territory. Here’s where employee advocacy comes into play. What is Employee Advocacy? “Employee advocacy” is a term used to describe the exposure that employees generate for brands using their own online assets. While social...Read More
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