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Friday, April 29, 2011

Recipe of the Month: The Best Fruit Salad Recipe Ever…

Alright, this is a little bit of a stretch, but this old fashioned fruit salad is money and holds up to the test of time. I am sure your old grand-mamma has made many servings of this bad ass salad, but I suggest there is not much that beats it. I also suggest this is a good one to have in the bag of tricks if you need a backup for an unexpected guest or relative coming for a free meal.

This recipe is perfect for a breakfast or a large gathering where you are serving a big dinner. The recipe below serves around 8 guests (or more if they are kids.) Here are the details…

1 Large Can Mandarin Oranges
1 Can of Chunky Pineapple
1 Can Peach Pie Filling
4 Sliced Bananas
1 Box of Frozen Sliced Strawberries (thaw before mixing)
1 Box of Frozen Whole Strawberries (thaw before mixing)

Drain the oranges and pineapples, but leave some juice for later. Combine all the ingredients and chill. You can add some coconut flakes or walnuts, but that might turn off some of your guests. You also can add some sliced kiwi to the mix to spice this up a little.

Overall, this is a simple, but very tasty fruit salad that will please most of your guests. I personally eat around 3-4 bowls when I am at a dinner, and skip the rest of the meal. Kids also like this as it is sweet and tastes like candy.

Now, if you are looking for something a little more modern and good for summer, check out this Grilled Summer Fruit Salad BBQ Recipe from the Weber company.

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