Most of my readers are probably wondering what the hell I am talking about. Well, there is a strange rumor going around Alexandria that I actually have nude women on this blog. Porn, Nudity, Triple-X, Mature content, or even NSFW (not safe for work.) Nope, sorry, this type of content does not exist on my blog. If you find it I will pay you $1,000 in cash!
Well, first let me make something very clear. I personally have no problem with adult content. You should know by my political leanings that I am open and say that people should be free to do whatever they want to do in their own home (as long as it is not illegal of course.) I also realize adult content on the web is a big business. I worked for Media Metrix, and can tell you that in any given month that 50% of the people in the US visit at least one adult site, and within a year it is much closer to 80%.
Now, there are a few people in the city that claim to have clicked on a link on my site and it took them to nudity. The only possible way that could happen is if they clicked on an advertisement that is running on the site. You see, I am a part of six different ad networks that pay me when people click on the ads on the site. One of the ad networks does what is called behavioral targeting and serves ads to users based on other sites they visit. You can read more about this at Search Engine Watch.
Well, the behavioral profiling companies (Tacoda, Kanoodle, etc…) all use your past site visiting behavior on your pc to target relevant ads to you. Kanoodle, the network I am a part of will target you if you visit a specific site and then send you an ad in the same category. For example if you visit an adult site and then come to my blog, Kanoodle will serve a site that might be of interest to you based on your past visitation to other adult sites.

Now, what can you do to fix this if you are offended by the ads. The first thing I would suggest is not visit adult websites. But, if that is not an option, don’t click on the ad that says something like ‘Click here for nude women,’ If all else fails, don’t visit my blog. Trust me I won’t be offended. If you are stupid enough to be offended by an adult ad that you clicked on, I don’t think you will get my blog anyway.