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Sunday, September 02, 2007

DC Ducks Trip...

We did the DC Ducks tour today and had a great time. We went down to Union Station around 9am and got on the first ride. If you have not seen the ducks, it is a car that turns into a boat. You drive around DC, while the driver tells you the history, and then when you get over into Virginia near the Pentagon the car drives right into the Potomac River.

It was fun, the kids really liked it for the most part. It was a little too short for me and Jennifer and probably a little too long for the kids. The boys liked the free duck quackers that they got at the end.

The guy giving the tour was great as he had a ton of interesting information and stories to share. He was a wealth of knowledge, and kept the stories fun and interesting, while also providing some real insights.

Stryde did love the part where we drove right into the river from the road.

Dryver was worried that he was going to fall in, though once we got going he was fine. From the river we were able to see the monuments and even planes taking off from Reagan National Airport up close.

For the $100 ticket price, it was worth the trip as we all had a great time and actually learned something during the tour. But it is a one time deal as I would not plan on going back on the boat/car as DC offers many other options where you can learn/experience more for less.

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