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Wednesday, September 07, 2016

VIDEO: Ted Rubin. The Dad That Doesn't Quit.

VIDEO: #ThisDadWontQuit #NoLetUp! encompasses everything you’ve ever talked about – Return on Relationship, Looking People in the Eye Digitally, Network gives you reach, Community gives you power, Do for others without expectation of anything directly in return.

VIDEO: Ted Rubin. The Dad That Doesn't Quit.

1. Focus on the small wins in order to gain trust and love – The story of your daughter saying “your the last person I’ll call in an emergency..” 2. It’s important to have the right people around you – You mention that there were, and still are, a lot of people around you who encouraged and supported you emotionally, financially, and any way you needed them. 3. It’s not about you. Think about others. You’re persevering for them –
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